TREE koolituskursus
Põllumajandus- ja toiduainete sektor
Põllumajandusliku toidutööstuse mõju keskkonnale (strateegia “Talust taldrikule”, toidujäätmete käitlemine ettevõtetes)
Alessandro Caprini, June 20, 2022, SDSN – EU’s Farm to Fork Strategy: What’s the future of Europe’s ambition to transform food and land use, at home and beyond?
European Commission, Food Safety, Horizontal topics, Farm to Fork strategy
Natasa Kilibarda, Filip Djokovic, Radmila Suzic, 2019, Food waste management — reducing and managing food waste in hospitality
Guillermo Garcia-Garcia, Elliot Woolley, and Shahin Rahimifard, June 2015, A Framework for a More Efficient Approach to Food Waste Management
Sarah Nolet, 2022, What Our Supermarkets Can (and Should) Do About Food Waste
Jätkusuutlikud tarneahelad
Just and sustainable economy: Commission lays down rules for companies to respect human rights and environment in global value chains, (February, 2022), Press release, as seen at:
OECD (2011), OECD Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises, OECD Publishing.
Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights, available at:
Universal Declaration of Human Rights, available at:
OECD Due Diligence Guidance for Responsible Business Conduct, available at:
ILO Labour standards, available at:–en/index.htm
OECD/FAO (2016), OECD-FAO Guidance for Responsible Agricultural Supply Chains, OECD Publishing, Paris,
Sustainability Agreements in the agri-food supply chain, The new Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) for the period 2023-2027, available at:
SAP Supply Chain Management (SAP SCM) software, as seen at:
Due diligence explained, European Commission, available at:
Luther, D., (20210, Supply Chain Sustainability: Why It Is Important & Best Practices, What Is Supply Chain Sustainability?, as seen at:
Saastav väetis ja keskkonnasõbralikud alternatiivid – ümberpööratud klassiruumi mikroõppe tund + projektipõhine täiendav kodutöö
Ballabio, C., et al., 2018, ‘Copper distribution in European topsoils: an assessment based on LUCAS soil survey’, Science of the Total Environment 636, pp. 282-298 (DOI: 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2018.04.268).
Bär, A. (2004). D-tagatose, dossier prepared and submitted by Service. Bioresco on behald of Arla Food
European Environment Agency. (2019). The European environment — state and outlook 2020: Knowledge for transition to a sustainable Europe. Luxembourg: Publications Office of the European Union, 2019. ISBN 978-92-9480-090-9. doi: 10.2800/96749
K.A. Mackie, T. Müller, E. Kandeler. (2012). Remediation of copper in ineyards – A mini review. Environmental Pollution, Volume 167, 2012, Pages 16-26, ISSN 0269-7491,
Orgiazzi, A., et al., 2016, Global soil biodiversity atlas, Publications Office of the European Union, Luxembourg.
Roberts, T. (2014). Cadmium and phosphorous fertilizers: The issues and the science. Procedia Engineering, 83, 52–59. 10.1016/j.proeng.2014.09.012
Silva, V., et al., 2018, ‘Distribution of glyphosate and aminomethylphosphonic acid (AMPA) in agricultural topsoils of the European Union’, Science of the Total Environment 621, pp. 1352-1359 (DOI: 0.1016/j.scitotenv.2017.10.093).
Silva, V., et al., 2019, ‘Pesticide residues in European agricultural soils – a hidden reality unfolded’, Science of the Total Environment 653, pp. 1532-1545 (DOI:
Tsiafouli, M. A., et al., 2015, ‘Intensive agriculture reduces soil biodiversity across Europe’, Global Change Biology 21(2), pp. 973-985 (DOI: 10.1111/gcb.12752).
Märgistamine ja toiduohutus
Regulation (EU) No 1169/2011 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 25 October 2011 on the provision of food information to consumers, amending Regulations (EC) No 1924/2006 and (EC) No 1925/2006 of the European Parliament and of the Council, and repealing Commission Directive 87/250/EEC, Council Directive 90/496/EEC, Commission Directive 1999/10/EC, Directive 2000/13/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council, Commission Directives 2002/67/EC and 2008/5/EC and Commission Regulation (EC) No 608/2004 (Text with EEA relevance)
EUROPOS PARLAMENTO IR TARYBOS REGLAMENTAS (EB) Nr. 178/2002 2002 m. sausio 28 d. nustatantis maistui skirtų teisės aktų bendruosius principus ir reikalavimus, įsteigiantis Europos maisto saugos tarnybą ir nustatantis su maisto saugos klausimais susijusias procedūras
Biomassi tootmine ja majandamine
Andrew Turgeon, Elizabeth Morse, May 2022, Article: Biomass energy
biomass energy | National Geographic Society
Agriculture & Forestry, November 5, 2020, By Fantastic Facts
Dimitris P. Makris and Selin, Sahin, 2019, Polyphenolic Antioxidants from Agri-Food Waste Biomass
DEVELOPMENT ENVIRONERGY SERVICES LTD, December 2016, Biomass management & pricing for power generation
Emily Marriott, Ed Zaborski, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, January 2009, Making and Using Compost for Organic Farming
Keskkonnasõbralikud tavad töökohal
Eurosat, September 2022, Amount of waste recovered increases in 2020
Ruth Nattassha , Yuanita Handayati, Togar M. Simatupang and Manahan Siallagan – October 2020, Understanding circular economy implementation in the agri-food supply chain: the case of an Indonesian organic fertiliser producer
Ecaterina Matei, Maria Râpă, Andra Mihaela Predescu, Anca Andreea T, 2021, Valorization of Agri-Food Wastes as Sustainable Eco-Materials for Wastewater Treatment: Current State and New Perspectives
Manal Hamam, Gaetano Chinnici, Giuseppe Di Vita, March 2021, Circular Economy Models in Agro-Food Systems: A Review
Sana Ben‐Othman, Ivi Jõudu and Rajeev Bhat 2020, Bioactives From Agri‐Food Wastes: Present Insights and Future Challenges